All of This Hunter Biden Stuff Might Have Been Helpful Four Years Ago

“Hunter Biden is a bottomless pit of sleaze, side-hustle grift, and outright criminality. Even the most cursory examination of his “career” reveals that he’s the kind of guy you would definitely not want to be associated with the leader of the free world. Had the American people been given the chance to take a closer look at Hunter’s various dealings, Joe Biden might not have gotten elected even with the help of the Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine. Many polls taken since 2020 have borne that out.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) It has been almost two years since Elon Musk completed his acquisition of Twitter, which he has since rebranded with the gentlemen’s club name “X”, and the leftists haven’t toned down any of their shrieking about it. To them, Musk is a thought criminal who allows people from all across the political spectrum to express themselves….

He is Public Enemy Number Two (Donald Trump still tops the list) to them because he broke their precious stranglehold on social media.

Leftists enjoyed social media hegemony in the nightmare that was the 2020 United States presidential election. Twitter and Facebook disenfranchised anyone (“Present”) who didn’t toe the Democratic line regarding any opinions that got in the way of getting rid of Donald Trump. New media joined hands with old media to cheerlead for the Democrats in ways we’d never seen before. View article →



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