Mike Signorelli Blames Online Discernment Ministries for the Shooting of Greg Locke’s Home

“Let’s take a moment to consider something even more obvious—with all of Locke’s inflammatory rhetoric on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it’s far more likely that this attack was carried out by some pro-Palestinian fanatic than by anyone associated with a Calvinistic or cessationist discernment blog.”

(The Dissenter) Earlier this week, Greg Locke’s home was sprayed with bullets—an act of violence that could have claimed the lives of Locke’s children, demonstrating just how spiritually lost some people have become. The fact that anyone would place children in harm’s way over political disagreements should raise alarm bells about the condition of our society.

But, predictably, instead of acknowledging the real societal rot, self-described “prophet” and “apostle,” Mike Signorelli, decided to take a different route—a ridiculous one, at that. View article →


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