If the Church is Divided, Blame the Fake News Media

“When a leader favoured by the press is in office, we can expect fluff pieces, fanfare, and low levels of account keeping. When a leader disliked by the press is in power, we must realize that every word and action will likely be scrutinized in an endless search for flaws and failures. This is not fair — but it is fact.”

(Kurt Mahlburg – Clear Truth Media) It’s no secret that the American church is deeply divided — especially over politics. Instead of pointing fingers at each other for the division, however, it’s time we name the elephant in the room: America’s corporate media.

That elephant loomed large during the first presidential debate between incumbent VP Kamala Harris and rival Donald Trump, with most post-debate commentary ignoring the candidates and dissecting their one-eyed moderators from ABC News.

Every American who tuned in witnessed David Muir and Linsey Davis join forces with Ms Harris for a three-on-one show trial against the Bad Orange Man. View article →


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