A Closer Examination of the Concept of an ‘Inappropriate Relationship’

(Tom Rush – Truthscript) The internet is aflame with commentary on the recent revelation of the removal of Dr. Steve Lawson as pastor of Trinity Bible Church of Dallas due to an “inappropriate relationship.” The statement from the elders declares in part that they were “informed by Steve Lawson” of the issue. The details are sketchy, and I hope the elders will provide more clarity soon.

The elders’ statement includes the warning that we should all “be mindful of the words of 1 Corinthians 10:12, ‘Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.’” Indeed, a wise warning, particularly to those of us entrusted with the sacred duty of preaching God’s Word to His people.

Let me say in unambiguous terms that the revelation of this situation is heartbreaking. Dr. Lawson has a wide influence in the church at large and this has brought reproach on himself, his family, his church, and most importantly the cause of Christ. Forgiveness is available and can be received on the genuine repentance of the guilty individuals. Prayers for Dr. Lawson and his family are most appropriate. It should be our desire to see him fully restored in his relationship with Christ and with his wife and family. I pray this will be so and that the conviction of the Holy Spirit will be received and properly responded to. Restoration to the ministry is another matter. View article →


The Steve Lawson Saga

The American Churchman: Sin & Restoration in Pastors and Leaders – Jon Harris & Tom Rush

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