Hey Pentagon, Pay Attention. Israel Is Showing You How to Win Wars.

The days immediately after 9/11 were perhaps our best and only chance to reset the post-Cold War order. We didn’t, and the battle lines today illustrate that radical Islam has advanced remorselessly and virtually unopposed against the remaining bastions of Western civilization. Keep in mind that this is with no cease-fire, truce, or armistice in place with our enemies. Just because we’ve unilaterally chosen not to fight them doesn’t mean they’ve reciprocated. Why would they?”

(C.A. Skeets – PJ Media) On Oct. 7, 2001, we started bombing Afghanistan in the opening stage of Operation Enduring Freedom. That night, our intelligence  located the convoy carrying Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar as he fled Kandahar. But the reconnaissance aircraft that was tailing Omar did not have permission to fire its antitank missiles at Omar. The CIA said it would violate our rules of engagement. When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld heard about the incident, so enraged was he that he began kicking through glass doors at the Pentagon.

On that day, the very first day of the War on Terror, we lost the war.

It took another twenty years of posturing and face-saving by our entrenched bureaucrats to excuse away their incompetence. In the interim, we Americans were treated to quite a bit of finger-wagging about the “religion of peace,” about America’s own supposed culpability in fomenting terrorism against us, and about how the only path to victory is through winning the “hearts and minds” of the “Arab street.” View article →


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