Why the Crusaders Are Inspiring Young Christian Men

“The typical evangelical Christian is not only disconnected from his father and grandfather, but also from his great-grandfathers, in particular the civil and ecclesial fathers who self-consciously laid the foundations of Western society on the firm bedrock of Christian faith and practice.”

(Ben Zeisloft – Clear Truth Media) If you are a Reformed Christian who has been on social media over the past year, you will notice that conversation about the Crusades has been occurring on a fairly regular basis.

Virtually every conservative Christian male under the age of forty seems to have been newly captivated by historical accounts of the nobles who battled the hordes of Islam….

Countless podcasts aimed at this demographic have hosted historians to discuss the Crusades, while some have even devoted entire seasons to the heroes of medieval Christendom. Volumes like God’s Battalions and Defenders of the West have meanwhile enjoyed newfound attention, while more than one internet meme has playfully caricatured the examples of these men. View article →



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