Why does God allow pastors to fall?

(Jesse Johnson – The Cripplegate) When a pastor falls morally, it has an outsized effect on his congregation. There is an uncommon bond between a pastor and his flock. If the gospel is the most important news in the world, and if the gospel transforms a person’s life from the inside out, then it makes sense that people would develop a spiritual relationship with those who minister the word of God to them.

This uncommon union is helpful—it shows the joys of following Christ and experiencing the ordinary means of grace. In fact, it is even commanded in the New Testament. The Hebrews are commanded to consider the outcome of their leader’s faith and emulate it (Hebrews 13:7). Paul tells us that we are to share “all good things” with the ones who teach us the word of God (Galatians 6:6). This sharing produces a spiritual communion and bond.

When that bond is violated, it can have solemn and sorrowful effects on Christian’s lives. When a pastor falls morally it makes Christians wonder, “If he can’t hold on to his faith, can anyone?” It makes people reluctant to believe that any Christian leader is genuine.   View article →


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