Is Australia Under Judgment?

“Western civilisation has entered into what is appropriately referred to as a ‘culture of death’. Not even Aldous Huxley in his dystopian classic Brave New World perceived just how morally depraved we would quickly become.”

(Mark Powell) The title of this article may sound hyperbolic, but it’s not. It is my contention that the nation of Australia is currently experiencing the wrath of God. This is demonstrated by the prevalence of wickedness which exists throughout our land. While things could always get worse, it’s my hope in writing this that in the Lord may use it to lead his people to repentance and so revive the work of the Gospel in this place (2 Chron. 7:14).

The reason I believe that we are as a nation under judgment can be found in the apostle Paul’s words in Romans 1:18ff. Note that Paul says that “the wrath of God is being revealed”, i.e. at this present time. How exactly is this demonstrated? By God giving us over to the sinful desires of our hearts – in particular, withdrawing the goodness of His grace which restrains us from doing whatever our sinful desires want to do. View article →



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