Why Vote?

“Because we live in a constitutional republic, citizens have power and therefore certain duties. Just as a husband should love his wife (even when respect isn’t reciprocated from her), so too should a citizen fulfill his duty even if his ideal candidate isn’t on the ballot or if his vote is radically different from his neighbor’s and might be “wasted.” Many evangelicals who live in blue areas and sense that their vote won’t matter are disinclined to vote because they don’t think they can win. While we should aim to win, voting is about fulfilling your neighborly duty first.”

(Chase Davis – Clear Truth Media) Many Christians are politically demoralized. They sense that politicians do not care about them and that the available candidates fall short of the virtues they hold dear. Decades of propaganda have had their intended effect in suppressing the evangelical vote in America, so much so that Barna recently reported that 41 million born-again Christians are not planning to vote this year.

Though evangelicals have traditionally been a bulwark for conservative politicians in America aiming to defeat leftist candidates, such widespread demoralization and poor political reasoning mean that American evangelicals are poised to turn out to vote in lower numbers than in previous elections. Some cite concerns about the Republican platform walking back its staunch pro-life commitments and Trump’s inconsistent remarks regarding abortion. Others sense their vote won’t matter because they live in predominately blue areas. This raises an interesting question: Why does your vote matter? View article →



Yes, It’s a Sin Not to Vote. Here’s Why (with Scripture).

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