‘No Concessions’: Kamala Harris’s Alarming Response to Religious Freedom on Abortion

Baby at 15 weeks. babycenter screenshot

“There are no two ways about it. Kamala Harris utterly fails to understand the American project. She is not only anti-Constitution and anti-American. She is anti-human. She has revealed her religion for all to see, and it isn’t in keeping with the spirit of the American founding.”

(Colin Smothers – Real Truth Media) Kamala Harris is the most radical candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States, but with less than two weeks to go until election day, she has been racing to downplay or reverse nearly every progressive policy position she has held in a cynical play for moderates, independents, and even religiously-minded voters. However, in a recently televised interview with NBC News, the mask slipped, and a Molech-worshipping totalitarian peered out from behind.

The bluff failed when Kamala was asked about her position on the issue she seems to get most fired up about, namely abortion. (After all, there’s nothing quite like an undying passion for killing babies.) Kamala is already on record supporting abortion through all nine months, no restrictions, and codifying this position nationally through legislation. She also believes, in line with the Democratic party since Obama, that taxpayers should pay for abortions. View article →


Abortion -This is a Suction Abortion

Abortion Issues –Prolife – On Solid Rock Resources

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