“So why is Costco staying the course when other companies have seen the light? It’s likely because it thinks it can. After all, there are only a few other outlets where a stricken public can panic-shop when the bird flu pandemic lays us all low. You have to hoard your toilet paper from some store, right?…”
(Lincoln Brown) In the interest of full disclosure, I want to say that Mrs. Brown and I have been Costco members for several years. I hate Costco trips for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the crush of humanity that ebbs and flows around the aisles with all of the tranquility of whitewater rapids during a flash flood. And it’s cold.
There is a tradition in my family that as we pull into the Costco parking lot, I play “The Song of the Volga Boatmen.” Somehow, it seems the appropriate soundtrack for pushing a shopping cart with 180 lightbulbs, six gallons of vegetable oil, and a lifetime supply of bacon around a warehouse. But maybe that’s just my problem. I am sure there are plenty of people out there who have perfectly lovely Costco experiences.
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