This CNN Exchange Illustrates Everything Wrong With the Media

“The National Archives has finally released photos showing then-Vice President Biden meeting with two of first son Hunter Biden’s Chinese government-linked business partners — again proving that the president lied about not interacting with his family’s foreign patrons.”

(Guy Benson – Townhall) Over the holidays, the relatively few Americans who remained tuned into politics were treated to yet more evidence that President Joe Biden’s categorical denials of any knowledge about his now-pardoned son’s overseas business dealings were lies. There was already ample proof that Biden had lied repeatedly on this subject, and that he — ‘the Big Guy‘ — was at the center of a lucrative and years-long family enrichment scheme….

Joe Biden has said on numerous occasions that he never knew anything about those associations, had nothing to do with them, never met or spoke to anyone, never discussed it with Hunter, etc.  He also asserted, on a presidential debate stage, that his son’s absolutely authentic and evidence-packed laptop was a product of ‘Russian disinformation,’ and that his son had not made any money from China.  More lies.  And here is the latest exposure: View article →


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