“Standing for eternal truths about marriage is hardly bullying, it’s common sense—something sorely lacking among their ranks.”
(The Dissenter) Leftists and LGBT activists are predictably losing their collective minds over Idaho’s new resolution against Obergefell v. Hodges, and frankly, it’s a spectacle worthy of popcorn. Like vampires hissing at the sunlight, homosexuals, queers, and every sexual deviant under the sun are recoiling at the thought that their pet project of societal deconstruction might finally face the scrutiny it has long deserved.
They claim to stand for “justice” and “equality,” but their real fear is glaringly obvious, they’re terrified that their grotesque crimes against nature, humanity, and God will have to retreat back into the shadows—where they belong—instead of being paraded around to the world as a badge of “progress” while the rest of us reflexively gag on what they’re force-feeding us.
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