Women are naturally more empathetic by God’s design. But when this natural biological reality is subsumed by the liberal mind, it becomes a totalizing reality upon which to make every decision. All decisions are filtered through “How would this make so and so feel,” instead of “Is this true, good, and beautiful.” Empathy becomes the de facto tone and ethos of the church.
(J. Chase Davis – American Reformer) For many decades, evangelical churches in America, most of whom would be classified as Protestant and Baptist, even while they shirk those labels for something like non-denominational, have been living under the guiding hand of managerialism. No generation perfected this art better than the boomer seeker-sensitive pastors. These were pastors who turned the church corporate. While maintaining airs of biblical authority, they also made the ministry a market commodity….
Sermons were not focused on biblical exposition as much as “felt needs” to attract people. The removal of crosses and denominational affiliations was rampant. It could be argued that church planting itself was an expression of this market-based approach to reaching new customers. Many CEOs and marketing departments coined a name for their ideal customer profile even going so far as to give them a name. Church leaders followed their lead. For example, Rick Warren coined Saddleback Sam. This was a common business management technique of the day. Under managerial Christianity, the health of the church is not seen in her holiness and faithfulness but instead in the church’s ability to attract new customers.
Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive, Market Driven
Progressive (Social Justice) ‘Christianity’
CRN has compiled a list of false teachers and several other professing Christians we’ve warned you about over the years. The list also contains those we must keep an eye on plus movements, organizations and “frauds, phonies and money-grubbing religious quacks” to mark and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18 such as those mentioned in the article.