Cancelling Granny: The Toxic War On Family Being Waged By Therapists

“Any defense is regarded as evidence they are “in denial” concerning their emotional malignancy. If they choose not to defend themselves, that is evidence they “don’t want to deal honestly with or accept any accountability for their failure to provide emotionally safe spaces for their children and grandchildren.” If this narrative is to be believed, the grandparents in question are very sick people who, if allowed contact with the grandchildren, will transfer the corruption to them.”

(John Rosemond – Clear Truth Media ) “Your house isn’t an emotionally safe place, so if you want to see your grandchildren, you can come to our house, where we can supervise.”

“Our therapist says you’re obviously emotionally toxic, which isn’t entirely your fault, but you need to go into therapy and show us that you’re coming to grips with your contamination before we can have a relationship.”

“You don’t understand or respect the need for boundaries, which is why we must have a period of no-contact, during which you need to go into therapy and work out your boundaries issues.”

That’s a representative sampling of the poisonous postmodern narrative that’s coming to define Generations X and Y—those individuals born between 1965  and 1995. The babble, translated, means “You [the parents, usually Baby Boomers] are emotionally defective people who desperately need to seek self-understanding and emotional rehabilitation from therapists.” View article →


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