(Mike Abendroth – TruthScript) Do you ever worry? Are you ever anxious? Sadly, I have never worried more in my life than I have over cancer. I have lost two grandparents and both parents to cancer. I have had two different types of cancer. Maybe you can identify with me, especially in those moments in the middle of the night. The boa constrictor of worry starts to suffocate you, and the worries exponentially multiply. The English word for worry comes from a word that means “to strangle,” or grasp by the throat.
What do you think God’s attitude is about worry? While we compartmentalize worry and exclude it from grave sins such as adultery and murder, worry is still sin against the Lord….
It reveals a lack of trusting the Triune God, the One who gloriously saved you from all your sins. Worry functionally questions the sovereignty of God, God’s faithfulness, and the Lord’s provision for His children. Dear Christian with cancer, God does not want you to worry. For your sake. And His glory.
Consider this short article on the ABCs of dealing with worry.
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