Biologos Publishes Guide on How to Worship Mother Earth on Earth Day: A Biblically Balanced Response

Who’s behind BioLogos? Progressives Tim Keller and Francis Collins.

“BioLogos urges us to “confess” our role in “environmental degradation.” This movement, like many progressive ones, seeks to instill a sense of collective guilt, which can ultimately leads to collective punishment. For example, when a single mass shooter attacks a school and kills innocent children, the left blames society as a whole and then advocates for widespread gun control, which does nothing to address the root cause of individual sin.” 

(The Dissenter) In recent years, extreme environmentalism has taken center stage in the public discourse, with numerous overly-impassioned voices calling for a radical reevaluation of our relationship with the natural world, as though the future of humanity is solely dependent upon “Mother Earth.”…

Among those who place their hope in creation rather than the Creator are various so-called “Christian” groups that exist for the sole purpose of advancing an ideal consistent with Pagan Earth worship, demonstrating their radical environmentalism through extremist conduct ranging from tree-sitting, illegal sabotage of logging operations, to locking themselves up in streets public streets to block traffic and even advocating for population control measures to reduce humanity’s impact on the planet. View article →



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