LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching ‘Gay Christianity’

…the training materials feature “Side B” mainstays like SSA lesbian Rebecca McLaughlin, Gospel Coalition contributor and reparations hustler Justin Giboney telling trainees to somehow “affirm [the] human dignity and flourishing [of LGBTQ folks]”…

(David Morrill) CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) has been subjecting its staff to nearly seven hours of video materials promoting SSA (Same-sex attraction) “Side B Christianity” – promoting patently unbiblical and damaging views on gender, sex, sin, and marriage – as evidenced by CRU curriculum that recently leaked online.

CRU’s LGBTQ-accepting training materials feature Revoice heretic Preston Sprinkle and “mixed-orientation marriage” Rachel Gilson telling CRU staffers that God is powerless over homosexual attraction, comparisons between the church’s supposed bad treatment of the LGBTQ “community” and Nazi treatment of gays, and full acceptance of “homosexual” and “transgender” as cultures needing gospel contextualization like any other ethnicity. View article →



CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)

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