U.S. Gov. Spending Millions in Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexuality in Third World Countries

“Translation: let’s pat ourselves on the back for pushing our perversion onto cultures that might just have a different perspective. Countries like Uganda, for example, a nation that has experienced AIDS epidemics and understands the practical danger of allowing such behavior.”

(The Dissenter) It’s bad enough that our government pushes radical leftism at the expense of our sanity in our own nation, but did you know these leftists are spending your money to promote homosexuality around the world?

Okay, so let’s talk about USAID, shall we? You know, the United States Agency for International Development—the folks who are supposed to be helping “improve lives” in third world countries….

Well, under the grand vision of the Biden administration and their radical leftist cronies, USAID has taken on a new mission—promoting homosexuality worldwide. Yep, your tax dollars are hard at work, not on improving infrastructure or health care, but on spreading the gospel of the rainbow flag to every corner of the globe. View article →



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