As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats’ Imported Monster

When Democrats purposely engineer a surge of migrants to overwhelm the border, it becomes impossible to screen everyone properly. They know that criminals, thieves, terrorists, lunatics, and assorted monsters are coming into the country along with the merely opportunistic, and they don’t care. It’s unconscionable and reprehensible. In a sane country, they would be thrown out of power for at least a generation.”

(Athena Thorne – PJ Media) Yes, women have always been at risk from men. In general, when a woman is murdered, it’s a romantic partner to blame. But the Democrats’ imported monsters have been responsible for nightmare scenarios as well: snatching random women who are going about their business off the street, dragging them out of sight, and brutalizing and killing them.

My colleague, Rick Moran, wrote about the latest horror show out of Maryland. It stems back to a violent episode last summer. “37-year-old Rachel Morin, a mother of five children, decided to go for a run on a scenic pedestrian trail near her home in Bel Air, Maryland. Bel Air is a quiet town and Morin had no reason to fear, according to her boyfriend Richard Tobin,” Rick reported. “Authorities found her body the next day. She had been dragged off the trail, raped, and murdered.” View article →


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