Spiritual Molester ‘Daystar Television Network’ Drops Physical Molester Robert Morris From Lineup

“These men and women have been molesting the scriptures for years, abusing it so they might, in turn, spiritually abuse and molest victims of their prosperity scams and heretical doctrine.”

(Protestia) Daystar Television Network has removed all of disgraced pastor Robert Morris’s programming from their broadcasting network, stating that they ‘unequivocally condemn the actions described in these allegations” and that they “remain committed to upholding Biblical values as outlined in the word of God.”

Read Daystar’s statement on the site.

While we expect many networks to drop his show and service in the remaining days, it is also wishful thinking to suppose that Daystar, a network that reaches over 108 million households in the United States and more than 2 billion people worldwide, is committed to upholding biblical values, unless we’re talking about the values of Haman, Korah, Abimelech, and Manasseh. View article →


CRN has compiled a list of false teachers and several other professing Christians we’ve warned you about over the years. The list also contains those we must keep an eye on plus movements, organizations and “frauds, phonies and money-grubbing religious quacks” to mark and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18 such as those mentioned in the article.

Read the reporting on disgraced “pastor” Robert Morris


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