The Truth About Candidate Trump

“Put aside the fact that Donald Trump is an equal opportunity insulter, why would a journalist seeking information not be specific in defining what she sees as a serious problem? That’s not hard.  You put names and dates and context in your query.  Let the audience clearly understand the issue.”

(Bill O’Reilly) With apologies to the late Jimmy Buffet, millions of Americans are wasting away in Mediaville this summer following the fast-moving presidential campaign.

My belief is that many viewers and readers know they are being deceived but watch and read slanted stuff anyway….

This puts them in a position of being semi-comatose chowderheads applauding like over-fed seals every time they hear what they want to hear.

I hope I’m not being too harsh.

The two candidates are now even in the polls so it is my obligation to report the absolute truth about both of them because the incredibly high stakes demand it. View article →


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