Why is the Right Not Hammering the Left About the Trump Shooting?

“On July 8, President Joe Biden upped the ante by telling Democrat donors, “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”… A mere five days later at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally, a young gunman who somehow gained access to an unsecured rooftop with a direct line of sight to his target less than 150 yards away, got off eight shots – right under the noses of the Secret Service – that missed killing the Republican candidate by the thinnest of margins…”

(Mark Tapson – Front Page) It is unsettling to realize that the shocking assassination attempt on Donald Trump less than four weeks ago seems to have already faded into the distant past.

This shooting of a former President and current presidential candidate is an historic incident that should have sparked serious, bipartisan, national self-examination, and a demand for answers not only about the would-be assassin but about the jaw-dropping security lapses that facilitated the shooting….

Instead, the mainstream media has managed to shift the focus of the news cycle to the ginning up of enthusiasm for the Democrat candidate, a hopelessly inept and disliked far-Left radical installed as candidate via an internal coup directed against the sitting President. View article →


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