What Should Suzanne Hinn’s Forensic Accountant Look for During Divorce Case Against Benny Hinn?

“Hinn has regularly preached that people reap what they sow. Now is his time for reaping.”

(Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation) In a divorce petition filed on July 26, 2024, in Florida, televangelist Benny Hinn’s wife Suzanne Hinn reported, “The marriage between the Wife and Husband is irretrievably broken.”

Suzanne requested spousal support and asked the court, “Require the Husband to contribute to the Wife’s attorney’s fees and costs, including forensic accountant fees, both temporarily and permanently …”

Because Florida is a no-fault divorce state, the forensic accountant would not be looking for financial fraud or other financial crimes.

The divorce petition provides a clue for what a forensic accountant would examine:

“Determine if the Husband has transferred away or disposed of assets within the two (2) year period prior to the filing of this case or during the pendency of this case and, if so, make appropriate adjustments in the equitable distribution scheme.” View article →


Research: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel


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