Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’

“The Party that had proclaimed democracy dies in darkness now favors the shadows as the preferable means to obtain and retain power—whether by ignoring primary voters, open conventions, or transparent venues with the voters.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The 2023-2024 campaign season is not just the strangest on record, it’s also arguably the most anti-democratic.

Ostensibly, the Democratic Party has claimed over the last decade that Donald Trump posed a continued and existential threat to the republic.

That allegation subsequently justified a variety of anti-democratic means to neuter his first two presidential candidacies, his presidency, and now his third and final run for the White House.

A near decade ago, we witnessed the 2015-2016 Hillary Clinton/Democratic National Committee/FBI-assisted effort to plant the false accusation of Trump-Russian collusion to warp the 2016 election. View article →


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