The modern evangelical movement has embraced a gospel message of cheap grace

Pastor, author, and, dare I say, prophet A. W. Tozer cautions us about the danger of cheap grace: “To offer a sinner the gift of salvation based upon the work of Christ, while at the same time allowing him to retain the idea that the gift carries with it no moral implications, is to do him untold injury where it hurts him worst.”

(Ron Helle – Patriot Post) “Time to get our flu shot,” Lynne said as we drove past our local pharmacy. We blow hot and cold on getting the flu shot. Flu vaccines are developed based on the most likely variants expected the following flu season. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t….

Other vaccines are developed to prevent contracting a serious illness. The way they do this is by giving you a mild variant of the disease, allowing your body’s immune system to develop antibodies to effectively counter the disease for which it was developed.

Sadly, a good portion of the church of Jesus Christ has, in a sense, been “vaccinated” against catching a full-on variant of Christianity. This happened when the modern evangelical movement embraced a gospel message of cheap grace. In other words, Jesus is presented as a friend, not a king. God is no longer the Sovereign Creator but “the man upstairs” or “the good Lord.” Jesus is a ticket to Heaven, a form of fire insurance gained by a mere proclamation of “accepting” Jesus as Savior but not as Lord. View article →



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