N.T. Wright Trashes American Christians For Their Views on Abortion and Gun Rights: ‘I do not see an educated electorate’

(Protestia) N.T. Wright says Americans’ defense of gun rights is inconsistent with their defense of the unborn, because they are too polarized by social media, they accept “over-simplified” arguments to fall in line with a particular leader, they can’t handle “nuance,” and ultimately, they just aren’t an “educated electorate.”

But does this sound like a nuanced, educated take on gun laws?

“When I go to America, it always astonishes me that the same people are vitriolically opposed to abortion and vitriolically in favor of everybody carrying guns and being prepared to shoot people at any time.

On the one hand, you’d have thought if they’re so concerned about preserving human life, even in embryo and in vitro, etc., then why are they not concerned about preserving human life when it comes to, say, a school shooting by somebody who’s been able to walk into a store, even though mentally disturbed, and buy a weapon-grade automatic rifle? I mean, for somebody from the other side of the Atlantic, and I suspect for you [Carey Nieuwhof] in Canada, this is just nonsense.” View article →



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