Do Not Worry

22 And he said to his disciples, “Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you may eat, nor for your body, what clothes you may put on. 23 For the soul is more than food and the body more than clothing. 24 Consider the ravens that they do not sow nor reap, they have neither a storeroom nor a barn, and God feeds them. How much more worth are you than the birds? 25 And which of you by worrying is able to add upon his lifespan a cubit? 26 If then you are not able to do as little a thing as that, why do you worry about the rest? (Luke 12:22-34 translated from the NA28 Greek text) Read verses 27-34 on the site.

Over the last several days (or is it weeks?) as I have written various posts about the Sovereignty of God in Salvation, I have found myself in a crossfire of sorts. It’s been a while since the accuser has had such a field day with so much help from his minions who are mired so deeply in their religious traditions that they are blind to Biblical truth no matter how clearly it is presented to them….

I have controlled the conversation in the comments pretty well, but I still receive emails, contacts and spam comments that no one else sees and even though no one else has to deal with it, our enemy uses these things in odd ways. His tactic is to make me worry or anxious. However, God usually uses the focus of the straw-man attacks (for that is what they are for the most part) as source material for my next post or even next several posts. However, after several days of this I found myself last night wanting to be out of the battle zone. I prayed for help. I asked for prayer from friends. What happened? I got lots of encouragement and was very surprised after a very short period to not be worried about anything at all. What about the growing threat of militant secularization in the U.S? It is something we should be cognizant of to be sure, but worried? No, I would say we need to be discerning and trusting of the one who is sovereign and is really in control. What about the rampant apostasy in the visible church being run by a pack of wolves in sheep’s clothing? Again, we are to stand firm, not run away and be used by God how he chooses to use us. View article →