Your Kids Need REAL Answers To Hard Questions

(Vanessa Hunt – Real Truth Media) I felt his little body tense up next to me in the pew. We had arrived at one of those interludes during the worship portion of the church service where everything gets a bit quieter, lights are lowered, the music softens and the worship leader begins to speak from the heart; a mini-sermon if you will. “Church”, he said, “If you don’t enjoy singing in worship here on earth then you’re definitely not going to enjoy heaven!”

As soon as I heard those words my heart sank because I knew how they would be interpreted by my inquisitive, busy, rambunctious 8-year-old son….

A little boy who hated singing in public and only stood up during worship because we required that of him. A little boy who would much rather be building Lego sets or running around outside. A little boy who was just beginning to understand what it means to follow Jesus. I gave him a squeeze and a smile and spent the rest of the service praying for wisdom as I knew my husband and I would need to address this inaccurate statement proclaimed from the pulpit. View article →


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