Everything You Need to Know About Kamala in Her Own Words in One Place

“We have to stay woke. Everybody needs to be woke. And you can talk about if you’re the wokist or woker, but just stay more woke than less woke.”
(Rebecca Mansour & Alana Mastrangelo – Breitbart) Kamala Harris has given a single televised interview and no press conferences since becoming the Democrats’ nominee for president. Given the establishment media’s unprecedented blocking, tackling, and gaslighting (including the 9/10 debate), we’ve assembled over 100 videos of Kamala Harris in her own words so that the American people can see where she stands and who she is.

On the site is a list of links to must watch videos that reveal who she really is, starting with…


“Prices have gone up, and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of, that bread costs more, that gas costs more. And we have to understand what that means. That’s about the cost of living going up – that’s about having to stress and stretch limited resources. That’s about a source of stress for families that is not only economic, but is on a daily level, something that is a heavy weight to carry. So, it is something that we take very seriously.” View article →


The conservative voice and Christian content are being silenced more and more. CRN offers a lifeline to conservative people of faith who are disgusted with social media and the leftmedia for failing to report, even blocking, important news stories that don’t comport with the far left’s narrative. We urge you to sign up to receive our FREE need to read articles. NO ADS!  NO VIDEOS! NO POPUPS!  JUST STRAIGHT NEWS.


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