The Democrat’s Quest for the Souls of Children and What the Bible Says About It

“What does this say about those who support the Democrat party? To vote for Democrats in the face of this evil is to become complicit in their wickedness. There’s no middle ground here. You can’t claim to be a Christian and turn a blind eye to the destruction of the family and the sexual exploitation of children.”

(The Dissenter) As a father of four myself, I know firsthand how precious and vulnerable our children are—children truly are our future. God has entrusted us with the immense responsibility of raising, protecting, and preparing them for the real world. This isn’t just a suggestion or a nice idea—it’s a command, deeply rooted in the nature of God the Father Himself.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “train up a child in the way he should go,” and we are called to guard their hearts, minds, and souls against the perversions of this fallen world. In today’s culture, this divine commission is being challenged like never before as dangerous ideologies are being shoved into our children’s minds from every corner all under the guise of “progress.” View article →


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