It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good

“What’s most frustrating about it is that so many Christian parents still just don’t get it, or don’t care. They’ve let nostalgia for the Disney of their youth cloud their judgment. After all, how could the same company that gave us The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast possibly be leading their children into spiritual danger?”

(The Dissenter) The war on children is real, and Disney is on the frontlines waging that war against them. And let’s be honest, everyone knows that Disney’s own sexual revolution isn’t just a weird little rebranding to stay “relevant” in modern cultural zeitgeist. No, Disney has become a full-fledged weapon of the left, carefully constructed to shove queer theory and homosexual propaganda right into the minds of children.

As a matter of fact, Disney has completely abandoned the concept of entertainment—it’s now a school of indoctrination. Gone are the days of wholesome, family-friendly stories with clear moral foundations. Today’s Disney is serving up a relentless barrage of sexual confusion, designed to make kids not only accept but celebrate the radical redefinition of gender and sexuality.

And what’s even worse? Christian parents, of all people, are too blind to see it.  View article →


Research: Homosexual – LGBTQ Agenda


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