“We need to also adjust ourselves. We don’t give up saying the truth, but we also need to sort of accept that there’s a group of people that will not admit they’re wrong, and then we have to figure how do we get our message out…”
(Breitbart) Dr. Scott Atlas, widely censored for his positions on COVID, sat down with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit to talk about his dissenting data-based views during the pandemic, what the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) got wrong, and whether the medial establishment can regain the public’s trust.
Streit recounted that a previous interview she conducted with Atlas — in which they discussed the COVID pandemic, vaccine mandates, masking, and lockdowns — was censored.
“It’s sort of fascinating that there was any censorship of it because all we talked about was the data,” Atlas said. “[It’s] a bit frightening to me that we’re living in a country that refuses to allow facts to be said. It’s worse than just refusing to let dissenting views be heard, because it’s actually suppression of fact. We can’t have a society that pretends that scientific data doesn’t exist.”
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