The Enneagram was developed in 1916 by man named G. I. Gurdjieff who believed it was a mystical way to understand all truth (which Jesus would have a thing or two to say about.) It did not become a personality test until the 1970s, when Claudio Naranjo engaged in the occultic practice of “automatic writing” by entering a trance-like state that permitted spirits to guide his hand as wrote about the Enneagram (1 John 4:1 anyone?).
(Doug Ponder – Clear Truth Media) I once spoke at a conference where I was asked to address several controversial topics, the kind that tend to get someone’s hackles up when they do not like what the Lord has said about this or that. Yet I drew the most ire, not from the exposition of hard truths in our soft times, but from an offhanded remark I made about my disdain for personality tests….
The chorus of discontentment amounted to something along the lines of, “Don’t you realize that people are different? Why wouldn’t you want to know more about yourself and others?”
Well, I don’t object to that. After all, the Lord says to us, “Consider your ways” (Hag. 1:5). And Paul exhorted everyone “not to think of himself more highly than he ought, but to think with sober judgment” (Rom. 12:3). And again Paul says that love is “not arrogant or rude [inconsiderate],” and “it does not insist on its own way” (1 Cor. 13:5). There’s nothing wrong with any of this.
Carl Jung: psychologist or sorcerer?
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