“Poland goes after Christian Nationalism for its rejection of the Covid Jabs and the lockdowns. His solution is to promote the credentialism of the public health officials who openly lied, like Anthony Fauci.”
(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) 2020 was a major test for the church, which was not passed as most churches lacked the discernment to see through the government, which lies under the guise of public health. Thus they neglected the assembly of the saints, ordinances of communion and baptism, and showcased a public witness of weakness and capitulation with tyrannical regimes….
Covid and Critical Race Theory created a major shuffling of Christians and their churches. And one pastor five years later wants to double down on his idolatry at the time which we call Branch Covidianism.
The Presbyterian Church in America operates By Faith Magazine, a denominational news outlet. Gregory Poland, a Reverend and a medical doctor wrote, “Seven Lessons on Public Health and the Local Church.”
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