There’s a big brewhaha going on over the Starbucks holiday coffee cup. Seems some people are incensed that the cups are plain red, with no recognition of Christianity, when there could have been. This is surprising in light of the fact that Starbucks has never paid tribute to the reason for the season on its cups. Since 1997 the left-leaning company “has told a story of the holidays by featuring symbols of the season from vintage ornaments and hand-drawn reindeer to modern vector-illustrated characters.” The company logo is “a 16th century Norse woodcut of a twin-tailed mermaid, or Siren,” which is clearly pagan. One would think that professing Christians would find it offensive to see a pagan logo on one side of the cup and the baby Jesus on the other side.
So anyway, apparently the outside of the cup artists Starbucks’ employs ran out of ideas, threw caution to the wind, and went with an all red cup…and you know the rest of the story.
So to add some perspective to the brewhaha, listen to what Albert Mohler had to say in The Briefing:
Without doubt this does point to the larger secularization of the culture and that means that corporate interests and advertisers no longer feel like they have to give a tip of the hat to Christianity during the time of Christmas, as well as other holidays of the season. One explanation of this just might be religious diversity in the United States. I don’t actually think that’s the big story. I think the bigger story is the loss of cultural Christianity and the fact that major corporations no longer feel that they actually have to give any kind of tacit tip of the hat to Christmas or to Christians during the holiday season.
To read the rest of Dr. Mohler’s comments, scroll down to Transcript.