The following was written by Costi Hinn, nephew of notorious Word of Faith wolf Benny Hinn. At one time Costi shared his uncle Benny’s heretical beliefs and participated in his “healing crusades.” But no longer. Recently Costi shared what growing up as a Hinn was like in an interview with apologist Justin Peters. In a piece he wrote for Pulpit and Pen, Costi evaluates arch heretic Kenneth Copeland’s legacy and sheds light on Copeland’s (and other charismatic celebrities) relationship with the Pope of Rome. He writes:
Kenneth Copeland is 80 years old. Only the Lord knows the number of his days or where he’ll spend eternity but it’s safe to say that Copeland will be on the home stretch sometime in the next 20 or so years.
In this post, we’ll evaluate the living legacy that Copeland has compiled thus far.
From Flat Broke to “Billionaire” on Kenneth Hagin’s Heresy
When it comes to connections, self-proclaimed billionaire preacher Kenneth Copeland has them. By “connections”, I’m not referring to the layovers he takes when he’s flying around on one of his two private planes.[1] I’m referring to the vast network of word of faith pastors and partners who share his teaching. His ministry has built its entire foundation on the belief that you can claim health and wealth by speaking it into existence by faith.
With best estimates putting his net worth around $700 million (he claims to be a billionaire – by faith), Copland has used “name it and claim it” theology to rise to the mountain peak of the word of faith movement – but he didn’t do it alone. He has stood on the shoulders of heretical giants. Before his rise to prominence, Copeland cut his teeth in the lower ranks of the word of faith movement by learning from Kenneth Hagin, who copied E.W. Kenyon, then doing it better than either of them ever did. Kenneth Hagin Jr. explains how a young Oral Roberts University graduate came to become the best in the game: