The ‘Brown Rice’ Controversy – Michael Brown espouses prosperity heresy & falsely accuses caller of being someone else.

(Churchwatch Central) Chris Rice from ‘ThisIsNotSatire’ blog, recently rang in to the Line of Fire program (this program also uploaded on YouTube). During this call, Michael Brown went out of his way to attack the integrity of his caller by setting him up to fail in each response to the caller’s original question. And that’s not all.

Because Rice kept coming back to his question, it resulted with Michael Brown cutting Rice off and appearing to accuse Chris Rice (from Michigan) of being someone else, and we can safely assume he thought it was Pastor Chris Rosebrough (from North Dakota) who has previously rung in to speak to Brown on his program – Chris Rosebrough had put forward some tough biblical questions to Michael Brown on a previous program. By assuming Chris Rice was Chris Rosebrough, Michael Brown proceeded to very unfairly attack the character of Pastor Rosebrough.  You can see the YouTube video in question here:

“Chris has gone. I put him on hold so he wouldn’t interrupt me on the air. Okay. We’ll see where – I’m not even going to give his website or info. I let him do that in the past. This is a typical critic folks, who you just listened to. I put him on hold because he was talking over me on my own show and not letting me answer. This is the typical stuff we deal with. Now this will be the big campaign, ‘Mike Brown supports the prosperity gospel. Let these folks go on with their fundamental dishonest, unethical practices. Folks, my heart goes out to you because you are spitting into the wind. The smile of God is on those who honour.

So do I believe in generosity? Yes. Do I believe in sowing and reaping? Yes. Do I believe in a prosperity gospel? No! I’ve renounced it for decades! Period! Flat out! Directly! Plainly! Aggressively! Loudly! Clearly! And I continue to do so!”

Before tackling this deceitful statement and hearing what Chris Rice had to say, we take a look at how Brown demonstrated that he not only believes in and supports the prosperity gospel – he also supports those who preach it. We knew he held to a form of this false prosperity gospel even before we saw him do this to offerings (watch): View article →