Intro from Crosspolitic interview on YouTube: “Pastor Greg Johnson, whose church is hosting the conference, joins us for a very challenging conversation. We hope this hard conversation is a blessing to the Church, and to Greg, who was willing to join us knowing the disagreements.”
(Pulpit & Pen) Greg Johnson, the pastor of the PCA church that is hosting the infamous “Gay Christian” Revoice Conference, says that he’s open to a similar conference for Christians identifying as pedophiles.
Appearing on the Cross Politic podcast, Johnson was interviewed by co-hosts, Gabriel Rench, David Shannon, and Toby Sumter. The podcast, which stands for “Christ over politics,” claims to mix “the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics to bring the clarity of the gospel into middle America.” The three interviewed Johnson about the controversial LGBTQXYZLMNOP conference and asked friendly questions about why he would do such a thing, while drinking coffee and huffing what appears to be a Swisher Sweet and Mild cigar.
The pertinent time stamp of this interview is at the 4.30 mark, in which the host asked Johnson if he would consider hosting a similar conference designed for pedophiles. You can watch the video below.