Hillsong Christmas Musical Trailer Depicts Jesus Born in a Bar

The London Hillsong 2018 lavish “Christmas” production is completely beyond the pale. Once again Hillsong demonstrates what Christmas is about for the worldly Christian — being entertained!  Holy Spirit-filled (authentic) Christians will find this production not to their liking. In fact, believers will be deeply offended by Hillsong’s “burlesque-type show” that has Joseph, Mary and the Christ child in a noisy nightclub atmosphere instead of a peaceful stable. JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen has the story that includes video trailers of Hillsong’s appalling production:

Increasingly, Hillsong Church’s Christmas musical productions seem to break the blasphemy barrier of the year before. In 2015, Hillsong made international news for a “Sleazy Night” Christmas special, which was a cabaret and burlesque-type show that incorporated Christmas hymns. At the time, charismatic apologist, Michael Brown, defended Hillsong from critics, claiming that they meant well (Brown also defended Hillsong’s Carl Lentz when he made pro-abortion comments and defended Hillsong when they had gay choir directors). Two years later, Hillsong one-upped the Sleazy Night presentation with yet another Christmas sensuality show. Blaspheming God by masquerading flesh-peddling as “worship” is nothing new, with Hillsong famously having a “naked cowboy” appear at a women’s conference in 2016 and then a “naked Santa” later that year.

While there’s still time to see how flesh will be on display at Hillsong Australia’s Christmas program this year (mark it down; it will be), Hillsong London’s Christmas program seems to be attempting to break the barrier of the worst re-telling of the Christmas narrative ever.

The trailer for the Hillsong London’s Christmas program depicts the “Three Wisemen” hunting down the newborn Christ at the Inn. The Inn, in the Hillsong depiction, was a place where patrons were swilling mugs of beer at a bar, while serving wenches danced on tables. As the scene progresses, Jesus is depicted with Mary and Joseph in the midst of the bar scene, among much mirth and merriment.

In reality, Jesus was born in the stable – not in the Inn, which had no vacancy for his expectant mother – and laid in a manger, or feeding trough (Luke 2:12). The Wisemen, or Magi (a sect of astronomers and seers going back to the prophet, Daniel –Daniel 2:48 ), whose number is unknown, found Jesus at his home sometime during the first year after his birth (Matthew 2:11), just prior to their midnight flight to Egypt. Inns of the first century in Jerusalem, by the way, were not bars or brothels resembling Old West taverns, but informal guest rooms in larger residential houses.


For why Hillsong music is dangerous for your church, click here.

To understand how Hillsong uses music to attract people to the aberrant teachings, read about the Arian Snare, or Snarianism, click here.

Republished  P&P’s article with their permission