Christians reading the testimonies of these various “gay Christian” celebrities should take special note that none of them were delivered from sin and to Christ as a result of Christian ministries specifically targeted towards homosexuals. Simply, reading the scriptures was enough to convict them of their sins. Quite frankly, nearly their entire audience (statistically speaking) consists of non-homosexual Christians.
(Seth Dunn – Pulpit & Pen) Since Old Testament times homosexuality has been an uncontroversial topic among God’s people. It’s sinful. That’s that; no argument, no debate.
However, recent developments in Western society have caused homosexuality to become a hot-button issue in the public arena. In the wake of what Baptist theologian and pundit Albert R. Mohler has labeled “the Moral Revolution,” Stonewall has become Selma. Within a relatively short time, an entirely new category of human rights, “gay rights,” has emerged. People of the same sex are “marrying” with government and even religious recognition. Churches are scrambling to update their by-laws to avoid lawsuits over “same-sex weddings” and employment benefits. High-profile citizens who do not toe the line of sexual acceptance face ostracism in the public square as well as the private sector. Those Christians adhering to long-held biblical standards of sex and sexuality are being labeled as hateful bigots along the lines of the segregationists of the Jim-Crow era. In this unique environment, an entirely new category of Christian celebrity has emerged. Rather than being notable for preaching skill, teaching ability, or academic rigor these new Christian celebrities are being foisted to the forefront of public Christian discourse because of one thing: their dalliances in the homosexual lifestyle.
Emily Thomes is perhaps the most theologically-grounded gay Christian celebrity examined in this article. To be clear, Thomes is not gay and does not identify as such. She is a married homemaker and mother and has engaged in formal theological study at Liberty University and Boyce College. Before coming to faith in Christ, Thomes was involved in homosexual relationships as well as drug abuse. She has been featured at several Christian media sources. From time to time, Thomes can be found giving presentations at Christian conferences, speaking almost exclusively about the subject of sexuality. She has also published sexuality-related articles on her personal website. Her most relevant statement there regards identity: