A retailer that once promoted organics and clean food is now saturated in absolute filth, exploiting America’s children to be “groomed” by drag queens. Whole Foods Market is now sponsoring a Drag Queen Story Hour event to indoctrinate children into transgenderism and homosexuality. Their goal is to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle.
(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte) With the vast majority of Americans identifying as “straight,” it always comes a surprise when such sexually deviant movements are pushed into mainstream and public arenas — especially around children. Why do so many people approve of such perversion? It’s because there’s big money behind it.
The LGBTQ mafia is well-funded by leftist billionaires — like George Soros — who are hell-bent on tearing down Western civilization as we know it. That starts with the destruction of the nuclear family and the promotion of sexually deviant lifestyles — particularly, lifestyles that don’t promote family and reproduction. Gays can’t have kids on their own — but they can adopt. In fact, the movement wants that. They want it so bad that they will infiltrate every possible corner of public and private life to access our children. Including public schools and public libraries.