Lesbians and Feminists Pose With Their Children in ‘Thank God for Abortion’ Gear

“To thank God for something as wicked as abortion is to directly lift your finger to him and thank him for the eternal wrath and judgment you’re going to receive. Don’t worry, they got that covered too.”

(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Few have been clearer than Voddie Baucham on this, that feminism is the judgment and wrath upon a wicked and rebellious people. A nation given over to their sin is a nation given over to wicked women and effeminate men.

And nothing speaks feminism louder than the abortion movement in America today. No other nation since the incarnation of Christ has blatantly killed more innocent people than the feminist Nazi regime of the United States. Period. And they do it all in the name of “women’s rights” — because they hate God and love death (Proverbs 8:36).  View article →


Abortion Issues