Democrats ‘Dreading’ Election Scenario Predicted By Obama’s Top Economist: ‘Best’ U.S. ‘Economic Data’ In History About To Happen

Larry Kudlow, the head of the White House National Economic Council, told Politico that he “totally agree[s]” with the analysis that Furman presented to political officials last month, adding, “Q3 may be the single best GDP quarter since regular data. 2nd half super big growth, transitioning to 4% or more in 2021.”

(Ryan Saavedra – Daily Wire)  Democrats are reportedly panicking over an election scenario prediction by Harvard professor Jason Furman, a top economist in the Obama administration, who said last month that the United States is about to the see the “best economic data” in its history.

The news reportedly stunned Democrats who had been hoping that the economic damage suffered as a result of the pandemic would be enough to sink President Donald Trump’s re-election chances.

“We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country,” Furman told a group of bipartisan leaders from both parties.  View article →


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