CRN articles about Postmodernism
- Webster’s Dictionary Re-defines ‘Female’ to Include Men
- SBC elites offer resolution praising Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality
- “Too Much God Talk”: Rob Bell’s “Progressive” Successor Steps Down from Leading Mars Hill
- Phyllis Tickle, who championed a church paradigm shift, is dead
- Rob Bell returns: His thoughts on creation, modern “kingdom of God”
- Tony Campolo Calls for Full Inclusion of Gay & Lesbians Christians
- Call it “gender fluidity”: Schools to teach kids there’s no such thing as boys or girls
- New Pew Research Poll: Apostate “Christians” Leaving Church
- School district says feds forced policy that allows transgender kids to use bathrooms of their choice
- Christian radio station pulls out of Michael Gungor concert
- Cancelling Granny: The Toxic War On Family Being Waged By Therapists
- Who are the Emergent Church leaders? Where are they now?
- Evangelicalism Has Been Hijacked By Woke Elitist ‘Progressive Christians’ (Reprise)
- Evangelicalism Has Been Hijacked By ‘Woke’ Elitist Progressive ‘Christians’
- As Islamic Groups Vow Massacres, Paris Olympics Target Christianity
- Where to Now? Living In An Anti-Christian West
- The post-Christian media is enormously ignorant about Christianity
- Timothy Keller: Human Reason vs. Biblical Authority
- The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus
- ‘Christianity and Liberalism’ at 100
- Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions
- Notitia, Assensus, and Fiducia: The Nature of Saving Faith
- The Most Telling Indicator of Who is a Sheep and Who is a Goat… Or at Least Who we Should Take Seriously and Who We Shouldn’t
- Israel joins U.S. in plan to hand over sovereignty to United Nations World Health Organization
- Heresy of the Last 40 Years: Hermeneutic of ‘Love’
- How ‘WitchTok’ Lets Kids Dabble In The Occult From Their Phones
- ‘If Satan wrote an article about the Bible, it would look just like this.’
- Is Progressive Christianity Christian?
- The Death of the Episcopal Church is Near
- Our Most Important Question: What to Do with our Kids?
- Tim Keller Says the Gospel Was Not Spread in the Early Church Through Preachers, But ‘Life Examples’
- Where Are the Prophets to Our Church and Culture?
- Confronting Neo Paganism Part 2
- Confronting Neopaganism in the Culture and in the Church Part 1
- The Christian and Tolerance
- Postmodern Christianity’s End Game?
- Seven Characteristics of Liberal Theology
- The Perils of Religious Romanticism
- The Missing Elements of Modern Worship
- It’s Not Too Late
- Multi-site churches, holographic pastors and virtual relationships
- Apostate Churches Promoting Sin
- The Emergent Church Cult Of Postmodern Liberal Theology
- “The Shack Up”
- There’s no third way
- Sexual Freedom Always Curtails Other Freedoms
- Culture Warts or Faithful Servants, Part 2