The Smoking Gun: Brian Houston Acknowledges Ministry of Gay Couple at Hillsong NYC – on video – Back in 2014

So, what did he know and when did he know it? Discover the truth of the matter on the (unedited) video that’s posted on the Pulpit&Pen blog.


This really ought to be the final segment in this long saga on Hillsong’s attempt to cover-up their acceptance of homosexuals in ministry and service roles in the NYC congregation. This is the smoking gun, and the bullet fired was straight at the heart of Brian Houston’s moral authority and personal integrity.

The recap: Last week, a few discernment websites exposed Hillsong NYC for their acceptance of a celebrity homosexual couple in the church choir – one as a choir director and the other as a choir member (source link). Some argued that Lentz (the Hillsong NYC) pastor had “dealt with it” and others argued that the discernment blogs were less than accurate in their reporting. Brian Houston, Hillsong senior pastor from Australia, issued a press release saying that he had only recently found out about the gay couple after an article about the homosexual Hillsong couple hit the press in January (source link). Chris Rosebrough covered this issue on Fighting for the Faith and explained that the word of Carl Lentz and Brian Houston should not be trusted (source link). Still, some wanted to take the word of Lentz and Houston, like Dr. Michael Brown in his article at Charisma Mag, who reduced the story to “internet rumors” (source link). We brought to you three videos from Carl Lentz, giving very troubling statements in regard to homosexuality (source link). Then, we brought to you the open letter from the homosexual couple stating that they were open and honest with Hillsong about their relationship “from the beginning” and still served the church both in music ministry and a “connect group” host (source link). And, I discussed all of the above in a podcast, here.

For the record (again), this is a screenshot of Houston’s statement in which he alleges no one knew about the openly-homosexual couple serving in their ministry (source link)…

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