Why Evangelicals and Catholics Cannot be “Together”

Jordan Standridge of The Cripplegate covers the many reasons evangelicals must not unit with the apostate Roman Catholic Church, even if some of our leaders are doing everything in their power to bring evangelicals and Catholics together under one big tent. Think: Rick Warren, who seems to have forgotten about the Protestant Reformation. But, thankfully, Jordan Standridge hasn’t forgotten. He reminds us that “the Pope and his cardinals, as well as tradition have undermined Scripture for centuries.”

Rick Warren and Pope Francis

As the evangelical world in America seems rather excited about the Pope’s visit, I can’t help but remember how I felt when I discovered the Evangelicals and Catholics Together document (ECT).

In 1995 the unthinkable happened. Well known evangelical pastors signed a document in which they joined themselves with Catholic priests and Philosophers, in an ecumenical fashion in order to promote the agreements over the disagreements that have plagued Protestants and Catholics for centuries dating back to the greats: Calvin, Luther, Zwingli and Knox. They agreed to no longer “proselytize” each other, agreeing that Catholics are indeed brothers, and sisters in Christ.

This article was successful in its endeavor. The vast majority of Christians in America do not evangelize Catholics. Someone like me who has shed many tears over the deception of the Roman Catholic Church is seen as hateful. I totally understand the desire to believe people are saved. I also desperately want Roman Catholics to go to heaven, but we can’t let our desire for people to be saved or our desire to please men, lead us to cheer them on as they run towards hell. We must love them.

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