Todd Bentley posts “proof” of angel feathers and gem stones

One of the NAR/Dominionist’s lying prophets declares that “Revival is in the air and I know as the wind of the Spirit blows it will spread everywhere quickly! This revival season will be a moving revival touching coast to coast.”

So if the Prophet Todd’s coast to coast revival falls flat, will NAR leaders declare this man a false prophet?

CRN has been warning the brethren for years about this diabolical movement and its modern day “apostles” and “prophets.”  Unfortunately Todd Bentley, who’s the worst of the worst, somehow manages to draw undiscerning Christians into his web of deception. Berean Research has the latest:

Romans 16:17 tells us to mark and avoid false teachers. Todd Bentley has been marked and (hopefully) avoided by most discerning Christians, but unfortunately he claims millions of followers around the world who are impressed by his “miracles.” Now he has snapped a photo of something that allegedly fell from the ceiling. (Why do these miracles only happen at apostate NAR churches, like Bethel Redding?)

I guess it’s pretty common these days. Ho-hum:

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