Liberty University Professor Promotes Illegal Immigration

(Pulpit & Pen News) Karen Swallow Prior is a radical animal rights activist who believes animals go to Heaven because naming them gives them personhood, says she’s more upset over animal abuse than abortion, says abortion isn’t murder and calling it such is unchristlikepromoted erotic gay literature, and has attended gay fundraisers and uses gay-affirming language. She calls herself a feminist and attacks complementarianism as unbiblical.

Karen Swallow Prior is also a professor at Liberty University and a research fellow for the leftist Southern Baptist organization, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC).

The ERLC has been striving ardently to push amnesty for illegal aliens, and its president, Russell Moore, serves on the globalist Evangelical Immigration Table, which is funded by George Soros. In fact, the ERLC has even been caught retweeting anti-borders globalist propaganda produced by Soros.

It should come as no surprise, therefore, that Karen Swallow Prior (associated as she is with the ERLC), has been busy promoting an open-borders, globalist position on immigration that is disguised as Christian charitability. Of course, progressive-left faux-Christianity is always disguised as bleeding heart Christian charitability, so we should see it as of little surprise. Swallow Prior wrote an article for The News and Advance along with one of her students who is an illegal immigrant. The article guilt-shames Christians for not doing enough to help those in the country illegally, known as DREAMers.

The term, “DREAMer” comes from a 2001 piece of legislation and references the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (Dream) Act. The Act was never passed by Congress and the DREAMers (the minors it references) are not protected by any enacted law. In other words, “DREAMers” don’t really exist because the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act was never passed into law. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was a highly unconstitutional executive action by President Obama that would prioritize enforcing immigration law on childhood arrivals last, thus effectively legislating by executive fiat what was never passed by Congress.

The ERLC’s Russell Moore, the Progressive Liberals as the Social Gospel Coalition, Karen Swallow Prior and their acolytes (all of which are in one way or another beneficiaries of George Soros) have been trying to convince evangelical Christians that it is our responsibility to overthrow existing law, embrace illegal immigration as a Christian duty, and allow the executive branch of government to go unchecked.

Prior wrote the article with Bruno Yupanqui, who is a high school English teacher and a student of Swallow Prior’s at Liberty University. Yupanqui is an illegal immigrant, meaning that he came here criminally, against the laws of the United States and he remains here illegally, against the laws of the United States. Yupanqui writes: View article →