Russell Moore Paints Conservatives as Idolaters of Power Because of ‘Racial Injustice’

“While conservative, Biblically astute Christians — which, unfortunately, aren’t very many any more — can see right through the smoke and mirrors of Moore’s words and actions, Moore continues to paint the right as “bigoted” in an effort to move more people to his side. Creating a false dichotomy, calling it the “idolatry of power,” he essentially claims that conservatives are pro-life but racist, and liberals are pro-choice but non-racist and he wants you to join him in the ‘middle.’”

(Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Russell Moore is no stranger to leftist political games. Russell Moore is a pro-life Democrat who holds to nearly every liberal political position there is — to some varying degree or another — with the exception of abortion. Let me say, I’m glad he hates abortion, as any professing Christian should. But Russell Moore likes to play the moderate mediator good guy game, making his position appear more tenable to the masses.

Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, likes to create problems so he can solve them. He has essentially single-handedly divided the entire spectrum of Southern Baptists along racial lines through his manufactured “racism crisis” where his solution is a man-centered fix he calls “racial reconciliation.” He has relentlessly painted white, conservative males as racist bigots who’ve perpetuated systemic racism in our society and the Church.

No Christian in their right mind would deny that racism is a real thing — on every side of the ethnic spectrum. But the kind of division that has been caused by Moore’s attack against conservatism is something the Church has not seen before. Essentially, Moore’s premise is that white males have created what he calls a “white church” that is hostile to minorities, especially blacks, and has called for a revolution against this “systemic injustice.” View article →


Progressive (Social Justice) “Christianity”
